In 2018, the Rectors of the University of Groningen (UG) and the Universidad de Chile (UCH) signed the agreement establishing the Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Biomedical Sciences. The JDP is the result of an increasingly close collaboration between UG's Graduate School of Medical Sciences and the UCH Faculty of Medicine and is a step forward from the already existing double degree PhD collaboration.
PhD programs involved
- At UCH, the basis for the JDP is the accredited doctoral program in Ciencias Biomédicas: all admitted JDP students should be enrolled in this program.
- At UG, no individually accredited PhD programs exist, since UG is allowed to award PhD degrees based on its institutional accreditation a one of a selected number of research universities as established by Dutch law. In principle, any project with matching supervisor(s) at UG may be put forward for consideration by the JDP admission board. UG supervisors may be affiliated to the University Medical Center Groningen or the Faculty of Science & Engineering. Students admitted to the JDP will be registered at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (GSMS) or the Graduate School of Science & Engineering (GSSE), dependent on this affiliation. Note that the GSMS and GSSE work in close cooperation with one another in the implementation of the JDP, but there may be slight differences in Graduate School policies. Consult the JDP Coordination for more information.
Admitted JDP students spend approximately four years on a joint doctoral research project (i.e. excluding obligatory course credits) to meet the PhD requirements at both UCH and UG. The integrated trajectory will lead to a Joint Doctoral diploma, jointly issued by UCH and UG. More detailed information on different aspects of the JDP (procedures, structure, funding) may also be found in the JDP application form, available for download below the text.
Admission procedure
The UCH-UG Joint Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences implies a joint selection procedure based on a joint research proposal designed by the candidate, in close cooperation with the UCH and UG supervisors. Formal admission to the JDP is based on both the evaluation of the application package, as well as the subsequent or simultaneous approval of the UCH Qualification Exam (QE).
The JDP includes the possibility of a two-step admission procedure because the aim is to work on jointly identified research project at the earliest stage possible. Students however may opt to move directly to step two if they are eligible to take the UCH QE. The two steps are:
- Students may be conditionally admitted to the JDP based on an evaluation of the application package by the competent authorities at UCH and UG. Students may prepare and submit their application as early as the final stages of their master program (undergraduate in case direct access to the PhD is possible). The most important document in the application package is the JDP Research Proposal.
- Students will be formally admitted upon the approval of the UCH PhD QE, a formal requirement of the UCH doctoral program in Ciencias Biomédicas. Students with UG as a home university should consider that they need to ensure a validation of coursework before being admitted to the JDP. The positive evaluation of the application package may coincide with formal admission to the JDP if the application is submitted shortly before the QE.
The Qualification Exam
The Qualification Exam (QE) is a formal requirement of the UCH PhD program in Ciencias Biomédicas. The QE does not exist in the Dutch PhD system but all applicants to the JDP should pass the QE in order to be formally admitted to the JDP. The QE Committee in the case of the JDP consists of representatives of both UCH and UG.
During the QE the candidate will defend the thesis proposal answering all comments/questions of the QE committee. The candidate should also master the conceptual background that is required to understand all aspects of the thesis proposal. The Committee will consist of a minimum of three members of UCH and one of UG.
In the case of students who have UG as a home university, application to the JDP takes place during the final stages of the master program or the very early stages of the PhD program at UG. UCH may validate course credits of the UG master and PhD programs to count towards the obligatory course load at UCH. This validation should take place before prospective JDP students are allowed to proceed to the QE.
Conditional admission: How to apply?
We specifically encourage students in the final stages of their undergraduate degree or enrolled in the master degree to submit an application package to obtain first-step, i.e. conditional JDP admission. In that case, you need to submit:
- JDP application form (template available below)
- JDP research proposal (template available below)
- Curriculum Vitae (incl. educational/professional history, publications & prizes/awards)
- Support letter by the UCH and UG main supervisor (template available below)
Formal admission: How to apply?
The full application package consists of:
- JDP application form (template available below)
- JDP research proposal (template available below)
- Curriculum Vitae (incl. educational/professional history, publications & prizes/awards)
- Proof of English proficiency; note that applications submitted after 1 July 2023 should meet hard requirements for proof of proficiency in English (minimum score tests: TOEFL iBT 92 (minimum skill score 20) or IELTS 6.5 (with a minimum band score of 6.0 on each individual part); TOEFL iBT Home Edition tests are acceptable
- Copy of certificate of highest degree obtained
- Support letter by the UCH and UG main supervisor (template available below)
- If applicable, proof of funding (e.g. CONICYT) awarded for the duration of the JDP
- Certificate of courses and credits completed
The evaluation of application packages is based on quality, feasibility & the availability of financial resources to carry out the JDP project.
What happens next?
After you submit your application package for formal admission to the JDP Coordination, its members at UCH and UG will do a first revision of the documentation. If applications are considered eligible, they are forwarded by the UG Coordination to the UG Graduate School (GS) at the Faculty to which the UG supervisor pertains: Medical Sciences (GSMS) or Science & Engineering (GSSE). The GS will:
- Assess the financial feasibility of the proposal, and answer any questions the JDP Coordination may have, if necessary in consultation with the UG supervisor
- Upon a positive evaluation of feasibility, allow for the JDP application to proceed to the Qualification Exam (QE) and select two UG representatives to become members of the QE/Thesis Committee
It is the responsibility of the GS to ensure that supervisors and Committee members are aware of their obligations during the QE and throughout the implementation of the JDP trajectory, as members of the Thesis Committee.
The decision and selection of Committee members will be communicated by the GS to the UG JDP Coordination, who, in turn, will inform their counterparts at UCH. UCH is responsible for making subsequent logistical arrangements for the QE, in accordance with their regulations.
JDP application documents
More information
In case you require more information, feel free to contact the program coordination at UCH and Groningen.
- UCH: Margarita Ahumada (overall management) & dr. Lisette Leyton (academic management)
- UG: Joyce Fongers