
ATTP Funding

Admission to the GSMS PhD program is based on the ATTP Sandwich PhD application. Co-funding awards are determined through this application process, following these key guidelines:

  • The duration of PhD research at the UMCG, as outlined in the ATTP Application Form and Research Proposal.
  • Availability of external co-funding (e.g., scholarships) for the specified duration.
  • A maximum co-sponsorship of 24 months provided by GSMS through its PhD Scholarship Top-Up Program.

It is the responsibility of the UMCG supervisor to ensure that the ATTP Research Proposal, which serves as the basis for the GSMS admissions decision, is both academically robust and feasible. This includes ensuring that the student can complete the PhD research within the specified timeframe and successfully defend their PhD thesis at the University of Groningen.

Policy on Extensions

In the event of unexpected delays requiring an extension of the PhD research period at UG/UMCG, the following applies:

  • Extensions will only be approved by the GSMS with the consent of the Partner University, if applicable.
  • Requests for an extension must be submitted at least three months before the end of the research period at UMCG. The request should be motivated, submitted in writing (via email), and addressed to prof. dr. Han Moshage. It must also be co-signed by the Partner co-supervisor, if applicable.
  • The request should include details of the funding sources that will cover the extension.
  • The student's hosting department is responsible for covering the expenses associated with an extension of the PhD research period.
  • UG/UMCG can only employ PhD candidates whose subsistence allowance is fully funded by UG/UMCG. Departments should account for this requirement in their budgeting plans in case an extension becomes necessary.

An exception may apply if the original ATTP Sandwich PhD proposal anticipated a stay of less than 24 months at UG/UMCG, for example, due to limited co-funding availability. In such cases, the GSMS may consider providing additional co-funding to extend the stay up to the 24-month maximum.

However, we strongly recommend indicating in the original application if your ultimate aim is to apply for a total stay of 24 months at UG/UMCG. Applicants should also include a risk analysis that considers the possibility of this not being achievable. Supervisors should only support an ATTP Sandwich PhD application if they consider it feasible under both scenarios.