Science Poetry Slam!

Science Poetry Slam!

Science Slam: Research meets Poetry! Present your research as a short poem!

Science Slam: Research meets Poetry

Present your research as a short poem!


You're a PhD candidate and you want to share your passion for research?

Guided by our local UG poet Esmé van den Boom, you will speed-date a poet and within 1 or 2 hours you will transform your research topic into a short poem. During the actual slam you and the poet will present the result to the public. This can be a poem, a rhyming dialogue between you and your poet, a rap, in Dutch, in English... The audience decides who wins.

  •    Friday, 2 June 2017

  •     Lunch and preparation: 1 pm-3 pm

  •     Presentation: 4 pm-5 pm

Join in and register online here

Check out the facebook event here