On 5 and 6 December 2018, the Director of the Chilean Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS), Dr Sergio Lavandero and his colleague Dr Hugo Verdejo visited the UMCG. ACCDiS is one of the Excellence Institutes funded by the Chilean government. These Institutes bring together the best Chilean researchers to join forces to tackle particular societal challenges, as in this case, chronic diseases. ACCDiS is coordinated by Universidad de Chile and Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile, and focuses on cardiovascular disease and oncology.
Dr Lavandero and Dr Verdejo paid an extensive visit to UMCG's Department of Cardiology (picture), where they had an opportunity to meet with the different research groups. Additionally, a cooperation agreement between ACCDiS and UMCG was signed in presence of the Director of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences.
There is ample opportunity for collaboration in cardiovascular clinical and basic research and existing links may be expanded to include oncology in the near future. The cooperation will focus on joint research, including student and staff exchange, and is supported by existing infrastructures for collaboration with UCH and PUC. This includes double and joint doctoral degree programs.
UCH and PUC have been strategic partners of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences since the start of its Abel Tasman Talent Program in 2010.
More information
Joyce Fongers, Graduate School of Medical Sciences UMCG
Dr Sergio Lavandero, Director ACCDiS
Dr Daan Westenbrink, Department of Cardiology UMCG
Press release ACCDiS (in Spanish)