On 13 January 2014, Daniele de Paula Faria defended her thesis at the University of Groningen. Daniele was the first student to graduate within the collaboration established between the faculties of Medical Sciences of the University of Groningen (RUG) and the Universidade de São Paulo (USP) in 2011. The success of Daniele's research reflects the strong collaboration in nuclear medicine that has been established between the supervisors on either side, prof. dr. Carlos Buchpiguel (USP) and prof. dr. Rudi Dierckx and dr. Erik de Vries (RUG).
The cooperation between USP and RUG in medical sciences is part of a larger internationalization strategy designed by the University Medical Center Groningen and laid down in its Abel Tasman Talent Program (ATTP). ATTP is centered around the development of high-quality international strategic partnerships and the establishment of research collaborations between Principal Investigators.
In addition to Daniele, currently five other USP students are enrolled in the ATTP sandwich PhD program. Her supervisor dr. Erik de Vries has been awarded a Special Visiting Researcher grant from Science without Borders to further strengthen the collaboration.
More Information
Nuclear Medicine Groningen: Dr. Erik de Vries - e.f.j.de.vries@umcg.nl
Nuclear Medicine USP: prof. dr. Carlos Buchpiguel - buch@usp.br
International Relations: Joyce Fongers - j.e.fongers@rug.nl