ATTP Research Voucher

Research Vouchers

You may be eligible for a Research Voucher if you are a prospective master's student or (sandwich) PhD applicant. 

Our Research Voucher award policy is focused at prospective students from Strategic Partners applying to an ATTP Sandwich PhD position or prospective students who consider applying to an externally funded (e.g. CSC. CONACYT, LPDP, Becas Chile, Minciencias) research master or (sandwich) PhD program at the UMCG.

Complete the Research Voucher form below and submit the following documentation:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Transcript of records
  3. Letter of motivation including a description of your research interests
  4. Two academic letters of reference
  5. Proof of English proficiency (exceptions possible)
  6. In case you are enrolled in a study program at another institution: Letter of approval from the relevant authority at your home institution that you have permission to travel to Groningen for your internship

Moreover, in case you are a prospective master student (MMIT, IMIM, or CPE):

  1. Include a notification (copy of email communication) from the Research Master (RM) Team at the Graduate School of Medical Sciences that they support your application to the RV.

The Research Master team will carry out a preliminary review of your educational background. In case they have assessed that you likely are admissible, they will support your RV application. Note that this support under no circumstances implies a subsequent obligation to admit you. The RV rightly serves informed decision-making at a later stage. Get in touch with the RM Team via

All documents should be converted into a pdf wit a maximum size of 1 MB each and be sent to the Graduate School.

Please also consult the "UMCG research" website to check whether Groningen is the place for you and check out the Q&A section about Research Vouchers here.

Application form Research Voucher