CIT course for PhD students: Writing a thesis using Word

CIT course for PhD students: Writing a thesis using Word

The University of Groningen Centre for Information and Technology (CIT) is multiple courses for PhD students to help them improve their digital skills.

One of these courses is: Writing a Thesis using Word (for Windows). This course comprises all word processing techniques needed to format a thesis or another book. It includes the topics that are most wanted by PhD students, among which:

  • Pictures, assuring publication quality, prevent them from 'jumping to other locations', table of figures, and much more
  • Diagrams, including text boxes, arrows, flowchart elements, keeping the components together, resizing, assuring publication quality, etc.
  • Tables, formatting, handling very wide tables, rotating tables, table of tables

The course will be presented in English and is help from 26-29 November. You can register on the CIT web pages, where you can also see the other courses that they offer, such as programming and graphic design courses.

Photo: Centre for Information and Technology.