Research Network Entwine looking for 15 PhD-researchers

Research Network Entwine looking for 15 PhD-researchers

Entwine is a 4-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN), funded by the European Union, which started as of September 2018. Entwine is looking to employ 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for high-quality PhD training.

These PhD researchers will join Entwine for a 3-year advanced multidisciplinary and intersectoral research training. This training will focus on research on caregivers and their willingness to act provide care. Caregivers provide care to chronically sick or handicapped family members or friends on a voluntary basis. Due to increased life expectancy in Europe, the need for caregivers also increases, while their availability is decreasing. This has the potential to cause major problems for the European healthcare systems since they are strongly dependant on caregivers. 

This research aims to gain more understanding about the growing need for caregivers and the willingness of caregivers to provide their care. By combining insights from psychology and technology, Entwine wants to develop support to help caregivers and to contribute to positive healthcare experiences. Examples are robots that lessen the workload of caregivers or sensors that help caregivers keep an eye on their patients. 

For these positions, Entwine is looking for PhD-researchers with diverse backgrounds, such as psychology, sociology, economics and medical sciences. The positions are divided into three categories, or "work packages"

You can apply until November 30th.